…There has been a fight between the advocates of two different ideals from the beginning of the European Union. Which stance should it adopt: the classical liberal vision, or the socialist vision of Europe? The introduction of the Euro has played a key role in the strategies of these two visions. In order to understand the tragedy of the Euro and its history, it is important to be familiar with these two diverging, and underlying visions and tensions that have come to the fore in the face of a single currency.
Tag: euro
El canto del cisne europeo
Me pareció un ataque coordinado. La agencia Reuters publicaría una entrevista a primera hora de la mañana en la que el titular sería que Frente Nacional y su Francia querida saldrían oui ou oui del euro tras ganar las elecciones y, poco después, el jefe del equipo económico de Donald denunciaría que Alemania explota vilmente a la UE.